There was a young man who had ambitions to work for a company because it paid very well and was…
Leadership story: The warriors power to control destiny
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Leadership story: The power of asking WHY instead of assuming you know everything
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Mindset story: That is impossible no one can do that or can they – how to achieve big goals
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Wisdom story: How to find out who is lying and who is telling the truth
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Leadership story: How a prince earned his kingdom
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Funny Story: Would you pass the test?
We set rules of what is acceptable and what is not. It’s like a test to help us make decisions. In time many themselves don’t pass the test they have set for others. Do you?
Wisdom story: The monk who was counting sins of others
If your in a leadership position and you spend more time counting sins of your team than helping them out you have failed them. Don’t be the monk in the story.
Mindset story: Making a difference even if others don’t see the meaning
Finding a higher meaning in your work doesn’t mean that other people will see it also. Do not let that stop you from making a difference. Make your mark!
Leadership story: The secret how to make everyone feel like they matter
Do you know what is the secret to make everonye feel like they matter? Not sure? Read the story too see what it means to make a difference.