There once lived a brave king. All his life he studied military strategy, economics, and trained very hard to be as fit and healthy as possible. He knew what was expected of him so he kept care of his body and mind but most of all he took care of his people. The king made sure that the people who wanted to learn had the opportunity to learn, and the people who wanted to contribute in some other way had the opportunity to do so. While he was king his kingdom grew prosperous and other neighboring kings wanted to take away their riches.

With time there were many battles and the brave kind lead his troops in all of them. In the last and most important battle against their biggest rival, the brave king was badly wounded. But his sacrifice was not in vain. Because of his actions, the battle was won and many lives of his troops were saved. As soon as the king recovered from his injuries his people wanted a unique portrait of him in his honor. The kings’ advisors called for all the great painters in the country to come to the castle and paint a beautiful and unique portrait of the king who saved him people so many times. But once the painters arrived none of them knew how to paint the brave king. The problem was that they did not know how to paint the king to look majestic since he lost his left eye and leg. None of the painters were willing to paint a bad picture of the king. That would definitely ruin their careers at least, maybe even get them arrested.

But there was one painter who was willing to take on the challenge and paint the king. All of the kingdom “held their breath” as the painter was painting the king for several days. No one was allowed in the room with them while the two of them were busy making their masterpiece. People were guessing and even taking bets on how the king would be painted. Finally, the day came when the painting was ready and the kings’ advisors prepared a great feast for the unveiling of the painting. At the feast all singed songs of the kings’ bravery and told stories of his good deeds. When the time finally came to unvail the painting everyone was surprised how smart the painter was to paint the king from one side while he was on his horse just about to charge the enemy before the glorious victory. Because of the kings positioning on the painting no one could see that he was missing an eye and a leg. So the painter solved the problem that no one else thought would be solvable including the king.

Lessons from this story:

When solving a problem think of all possible ways of solving it before committing to your choice. When you think you have found the solution ask which problem is this solution actually solving.

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