When you find yourself in a bad situation can you see the positive side of what’s going on and what could this situation bring or does it paralyze you?
Story about stress: The Pastors Ass and the opinion of others
Did the story really have to end the way it did? How many times did you let the opinion of others dictate your actions? Write your own ending.
Funny story: There is a right and a wrong way of making conclusions
People are making conclusions all the time based on the wrong information. The next time you make a conclusion ask yourself if you left any “legs”.
Wisdom story: The “key test” to see who to trust with what you love
Imagine having everything you ever wished for and achieving everything you set out to, but you would never know who to trust. Could you live like that?
Mindset story: What’s more dangerous than the words it just can’t be done?
One of the most dangerous words are “It just can’t be done”. Because they can “push” people into doing the wrong thing like the pilot in today’s short story
Leadership story: When predicting the future be aware of your next step
When planning your future be careful that you don’t drift away “too far” and forget to concentrate on the things you need to do now to get there.
Story about communication: If you know the rules of the game you can win
Even if you are the one who is setting the rules of the game you have to be mindful of your opponents. Maybe they see an opportunity you don’t.
Funny story: When you don’t know the whole story
The person who is narrating the story is the one who is setting the rules. As the bank director in the story found out not everything is as it seems.
Funny story: Are you using your tools the right way?
In todays story you will get to see what happens when you start doing something new and have the right tools but not the proper training.
Mindset story: The lazy monk who wondered why he never got rich
Are you like the lazy monk in the story? Click the link and read the story to learn which mistakes you are making that prevent you from being successful.