Not too long ago there was an opening for a new position for a lumberjack at the local sawmill.  The sawmill was famous for using the latest technology and having excellent working conditions. Many experienced lumberjacks applied for the job and the company finally decided to choose a strong young man with a couple of years of experience in this field but with different tools. The young man proved to be very effective with an axe so the sawmill manager could not wait to see how effective the young lumberjack would be with a chainsaw.

On the first day of work, the young man received a brand new chainsaw and instructions where his terrain was to cut down trees. At the end of each day, the young man had to report to the area team leader with how well he did. On the first day, the young man cut down 4 trees, while others cut down around 30 trees each. The young man was disappointed as he was used to cutting down 10 trees a day with an axe. Yet the young man knew he needed a little bit of time to get used to the new tool. On the second day, the young lumberjack tried harder and was happy that he managed to cut 5 trees, yet each other lumberjack cut down around 30 trees each.

The young lumberjack continued to cut down only 5 trees every day while others cut down 30 trees. After two weeks of working at the sawmill, the young lumberjack was very sad, demotivated and unsure of himself. So one day he decided to go to his team leader and tell him his problems and that he is thinking of leaving since he is not able to work at least as good as the others are. Feeling sorry for the young man the team leader adviced that they should meet at the end of the shift and they will see how they could improve his productivity. As the time came the young lumberjack sought the advice of the team leader. 

They both went to a tree and the team leader asked the young lumberjack to show him how he has been cutting down trees. The young man took the chainsaw and started sawing with it by holding it against the tree and pulling the chainsaw up and down. Stunned by the young man’s actions the team leader stopped the young man and turned on his chainsaw. And that was when the young man found out how to actually use the chainsaw.

Lessons from this story:

Having the right tools for the job doesn’t mean you know how to use them properly. 

Many companies give their people the perfect tools for the job, but they do not educate or train them properly. So time is wasted and opportunities lost. 

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Book review: THE ACHIEVEMENT HABIT: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life by Bernard Roth

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