Book review: SELL WITH A STORY

How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale

by Paul Smith


  • Sales
  • Communications Skills
  • Business
  • Storytelling

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The number of pages:

304 pages

Book rating:


Year the book was published:

First edition published 2016

Who should read this book:

  • People in sales and marketing.

Why did I pick up this book and what did I expect to get out of it:

The first book I picked up by Paul Smith was Lead With a Story and that book had a big impact on me. From then on I started paying more attention to how people talked, and how they told their memories, experiences, and beliefs. I started to notice a bit more when they were telling me something because they just wanted to tell me something or when they were trying to influence me. I noticed that people who were better at storytelling made the conversation more of an experience for everyone and because of it were better at persuasion. So when Paul Smith published Sell With a Story it was automatically on my “To read list”. You see in Lead With a Story Paul Smith not only shared compelling and useful stories about leadership but also when and how to use them. So in Sell With a Story I expect to read the same format of the book, but with more of an emphasis on persuading in sales and not so much in a leadership role. So in short I expect that Paul Smith will again provide a scenario in which a certain story is a good fit to use and some comments on how not to use the same story and where.

My thoughts about the book:

In the beginning, Paul Smith explains how stories should be structured, what kind of stories for what kind of occasions should be told, and how they should be told. Paul Smith actually provides free templates that you can download at You should definitely check that out. But if you have already read Lead With a Story, Sell with a Story will seem a little repetitive as some stories are from the previous book. As you go through the book Sell with a Story the author uses only one story to explain different points made from different chapters. Otherwise, you will get to read quite a lot of different stories for different occasions. If this is the first book you will pick up about storytelling then it’s definitely a great one, but if you read a couple of books about this topic, then I would say that Sell Wit a Story, is somewhere there in the middle. To sum up, it’s a good book and if you are interested in storytelling you should definitely pick it up.

My notes from the book:

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