How to make uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant

by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne


  • Leadership
  • Business
  • Management
  • Growth Economics
  • Entrepreneurship

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The number of pages:

320 pages

Book rating:


Year the book was published:

First edition published 2015

Who should read this book:

  • Entrepreneurs, Start-up founders, Growth hackers, Marketers.

Why did I pick up this book and what did I expect to get out of it:

I have played with the idea of starting my own business for many times now, but I never did make that first step into entrepreneurship. Mostly it’s because I never had something really innovative to offer. Maybe you feel the same, you are on that edge where you want to try but at the same time, you find enough excuses not to start your own business. So when I heard about the book Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne I quickly picked it up and after reading the covers and the intro I knew I had to read it. I expect to get an insight into why some companies in spite of a lot of competition break out and become trendsetters in their markets. Of course, I expect real-life case studies of companies that made it, and it would also be great if there were some case studies of companies that didn’t and why not.

My thoughts about the book:

For me, Blue Ocean Strategy was one of the best books I have read in some time now. I highly recommend it to every person with an entrepreneurial spirit, marketer, manager, salesperson, student, and anyone who is figuring out what to do next and how to create the most value in his field of work. The best part of the book for me were the examples right after the authors explained their theory. W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne talk about leadership, trust, and other things you need to be on top of when your organization goes through change. The authors really cover every aspect of implementing a new strategy that is very different than what your business is doing at the moment.

The “red thread” of the book is that when thinking of new business strategies most companies are thinking of what to do on the existing market and are sadly not thinking of how to create a new market or at least move the current market boundaries. The biggest problem of being an expert in your field is that you accept the boundaries others tell you that are there. And with time you find evidence, that they really do exist and as a consequence, you and many other entrepreneurs limit your business strategies. Instead of accepting the “standards of the industry” you should try to push the boundaries a bit. Instead of thinking about how to “steal” customers from your competition, think about how you can create more customers for your industry. That is what Blue Ocean Strategy is all about. It’s about creating new value, new markets, new demand, and getting customers from different industries. On the other hand, a red ocean strategy is where you compete by lowering your prices, giving higher value service with little to no effect other than lowering your profits.

Here is an example of how your train of thought should go when searching for developing your blue ocean strategy. If people want to have a good time on a Friday night they can go out to the cinema, to a fancy restaurant, a coffee shop, a club, an art gallery, or a concert. And let’s say you own a restaurant. Until now you have searched for ways to get people who visit other restaurants to come to yours. But what if you try to get people who want to do something fun or just something to pass the time on a Friday night to come to you instead of the cinema or a club? That suddenly widens the boundaries of your industry. You are not just looking for people who want to eat something, you are looking for people who want to experience a great time. And you can give them that, so let them know. By thinking in this way you start reshaping your market and who is in it.

If you picked up this book please let me know what you think about it in the comment section.

Some case studies from the book:

  • Other circuses focused on benchmarking one another and maximizing their share of already shrinking demand by tweaking traditional circus acts. This included trying to secure more famous clowns and lion tamers. A strategy that raised circuses’ costs without substantially altering the circus’s experience. The result was rising costs without raising revenue.
  •  Cirque du Soleil paid no attention to what the competition did. Instead, it offered the fun and thrill of the circus and the intellectual sophistication and artistic richness of the theater at the same time. It created a market for circus customers and adult theater customers.
  • The lasting allure of the traditional circus came down to only three key factors. The tent, the clowns, and the classic acrobatic acts. Cirque de Soleil kept the clowns, it glamorized the tent (while many other circuses had begun to forfeit in favor of rented venues), and acrobatic acts were reduced and made more elegant. They also offered a storyline, with it, intellectual richness, artistic music, and dance.
  • Cirque du Soleil creations had a theme and a storyline, like a theater performance. They also borrowed ideas from Broadway shows.
  • By giving people a reason to come to the circus more often they dramatically increased demand.
  • By competing in producing the best quality insulin, they would not make a big difference in the market (as the quality of insulin was already really high), but they would have made a lot of costs for themselves.
  • Instead, they focused on the end users/patients and not on doctors. Both are their customer, the patients are the end users, and the doctors are the influencers. By doing so Novo Nordisk discovered that patients did not want to use syringes. So they created a delivery solution, that looked like a pen that contained an insulin cartridge, and the dosing controls were easy to use.
  • This blue ocean strategy shifted the industry landscape and transformed the company from an insulin producer to a diabetes care company. Novo Nordisk has 70% of its total turnover coming from this offering.
  • Curves created its Blue Ocean by eliminating all the aspects of the traditional health club (special machines, food, spa, pool,…).
  • The machines were arranged in a circle to facilitate interchange among members, making the experience fun. The machines were easy to use, needed no adjusting, and were non-threatening.
  • While exercising, women could talk to and support each other. Thus making the social atmosphere totally different from that of a typical health club.
  • Their tagline: “For the price of a cup of coffee a day you can obtain the gift of health through proper exercise.”
  • By doing this it has become the world’s largest women’s fitness franchise.
  • In the USA the wine industry and its conventional wisdom caused winners to focus on over-delivering on prestige and the quality of wine at its price point.
  • Casella wines redefined the problem of the wine industry to a new one by finding a solution to a question: How to make a fun and nontraditional wine that’s easy to drink for everyone.
  • They did so by looking at the demand side of the alternatives of beer, spirits, and ready-to-drink cocktails, which captured 3 times as many US consumer alcohol sales as wine. Casella Wines found that the mass of American adults saw wine as a turnoff. It was intimidating and pretentious, and the complexity of wine’s taste created flavor challenges for the average person (the basis on which the industry fought to excel).
  • They dramatically reduced the range of wines offered, creating only two at the start: Chardonnay and Shiraz. It also removed all technical jargon from the bottles and created instead of a simple nontraditional label.
  • Every traditional fund-raising charity in the UK used sad or shocking images in their campaigns, stimulating negative feelings of guilt and pity to trigger donations. Comic relief, in contrast, had eliminated guilt and pity. It used a breakthrough new fund-raising approach, RED NOSE DAY. Forget pity, it’s all about doing something funny for money to change the world.
  • People do not need to donate money. They can contribute by buying a little plastic red nose for 1$ or doing something fun for a sponsorship/donation. Thus making the whole process personal and fun.
  • While traditional fund-raising charities tend to focus on wealthy older donors, Red Nose Day is all about targeting the masses and raising funds via lots of small increments.
  • Traditional fund-raising charities employ people to collect donations every year, while Comic Relief does not, it organizes events every couple of years.

My notes from the book:

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