Teamwork story: A stick breaks while a bundle of sticks is unbreakable

A father had two sons that unfortunately weren’t very nice to each other. They were constant quarreling and bickering. No matter what this Father said to his sons, it didn’t do any good. As a result, he thought long and hard about what he could say. He wanted to provide them with some type of lesson that would help them realize the impact that their constant quarreling would ultimately have. He wanted that their bond would grow and become unbreakable.

One day the quarreling became more aggressive and even violent. The father broke it up and sent each son to a different corner of the yard. It was at that point that this wise Father came up with a lesson. He sent one of the sons to bring him a bundle of sticks. He tied the bundle of sticks and asked each son to take turns in trying to break them. Each of them tried very hard, but couldn’t come close to snapping the bundle.

The father then untied the bundle and gave each son one stick and asked them to break it now. They did so easily.

He then said: “My sons, do you not see how if you help each other and work with each other, it will be impossible for your enemies to injure you? But if you continue to be divided amongst yourselves you won’t be any stronger than a single stick in that bundle.”

Moral of the story:

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