Todays story is about commitment. Your commitment to what you want to achieve is an indicator of what you are able to actually achieve in life.
Mindset story: Don’t wait for something to happen to go after what you want
A story about two falcons, and how to get someone that is stuck in their comfort zone to finally move and achieve what they are capable of achieving.
Perseverance story: A life lesson about giving it everything you have
A life lesson about what does it really means to give it all you got when resolving the challenges you are facing. Are you really giving it all you got?
Perseverance story: What does making a difference look like
You can’t change everything at once. Sometimes you have to accept the smallest victories. In the end, enough small victories can win you “the war”.
Story about communication: A father daughter talk about life
When giving instructions to someone, make sure that they understand them. If you are not sure make them repeat how they understood the instructions.