Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt completely stuck? Maybe you just need to look at the problem a bit differently and you will find your solution.
Mindset story: When the “lake” seems too big to swallow start with a sip
When the problem you are facing seems too big to solve remember that it all starts with a single action. Take one step at a time until you are done.
Problem solving story: How a daughter solved her father’s tough puzzle
When you get stuck with solving a certain problem remember that you solve a puzzle by taking a step back and taking another look.
Mindset story: Is it a problem having three strands of hair and then none
There are people who see a problem in every situation and then there are those who see an opportunity in every situation. Which one are you?
Problem solving story: What would you do – The bus stop dilemma
Be sure you can live with your decisions. In the end, you are the one who has to live with them for the rest of your life.