Today’s story is an excellent example of what happens when a manager believes he is the only one who knows how to improve results without carrying about his team.
Teamwork story: What to do with the lazy member of the team?
In most cases lack of communication is the reason why in a team someone is accused of being a lazy member. With the right leadership this can be prevented.
Mindset story: The tightrope story about walking the walk
How do you know when people truly support you? The tightrope story is a great example of how people talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.
Teamwork story: The difference between heaven and hell
You can have two different groups of people in the same situation but it will depend on their mindset if the environment they are in is heaven or hell.
Teamwork story: Lesson from a wise man about growing good corn
The lesson is simple. Don’t be afraid to share your experience and knowledge. You’ll be surprised how quickly people will be willing to help you in return.
Teamwork story: A stick breaks while a bundle of sticks is unbreakable
Your teammates fill in your weaknesses, pick up where you couldn’t go on, and give you the energy to go on. A real teams bond is unbreakable.
Teamwork story: Lesson from a teambuilding exercise with balloons
Strength of a team lies in teamwork, that means sharing knowledge, experience, overcoming weaknesses and increasing strengths of individuals in the team.
Wisdom story: Common sense is often not so common
Too many times people feel the need to be right all the time. What does it actually mean to be the best at your profession? Do you have to forget about common sense?
Funny story: Only two questions on the final exam
A story about responsibility and the consequences of lying. Four students come up with an excuse to take the exam in a couple of day. But what happens then?
Leadership story: Why did the lion fire the hardest working employee
Communication is key to success in teams and not more paperwork. Also lack of trust leads to catastrophe in productivity of the hardest working team members