A story how to deal with problems and fear if it seems to much at once. Can you imagine what can salt teach you about solving problems?
Wisdom story: Worth more, less or the same?
A short story that shows you how your worth can only grow with experience, let it be good or bad, as long as you learn from them your worth increases.
Funny story: Only two questions on the final exam
A story about responsibility and the consequences of lying. Four students come up with an excuse to take the exam in a couple of day. But what happens then?
Wisdom story: A lesson about establishing true worth
People will judge you from their perspective and with their beliefs and limits. That does not mean their opinion of you and your true worth is valid.
Entrepreneurship story: When you don’t get an opportunity make one
A motivational story about a man who was denied a job in a big company just because he didn’t have an email, so he ended up creating his own opportunity.
Story about stress: How not to carry work related problems home
A story how to deal with work problems and how to not burden your loved ones with them. No soup was eaten as hot as it was cooked.
Leadership story: Why did the lion fire the hardest working employee
Communication is key to success in teams and not more paperwork. Also lack of trust leads to catastrophe in productivity of the hardest working team members
Mindset story: The seven wonders of the world most people forget about
What are the seven wonders of your world? If you are not sure what to answer read the story to get things into perspective.
Problem solving story: What would you do – The bus stop dilemma
Be sure you can live with your decisions. In the end, you are the one who has to live with them for the rest of your life.
Problem solving story: The black and white pebble dilemma
In the black and white pebble story you will see how with the right attitude, most situations are winnable. Even the ones that at first may seem impossible.