The person who is narrating the story is the one who is setting the rules. As the bank director in the story found out not everything is as it seems.
Mindset story: Who is responsible for hindering your growth
Who do you believe is responsible for your success? Read the story to find out what is truly holding you back from success.
Story about communication: How to follow instructions the right way
What would you do if you would get instructions to do an unreasonable task like the wife in the story? Would you find a win-win solution?
Story about fear: When hiding your mistake gets you more problems
When was the last time you made a mistake, tried to hide it but you end up getting caught? Did you let others use your mistake against you?
Inspirational story: The only thing you can control is how you react
In your life situations will arise on which you have no control. Some will be pleasent others unfairl. In the end you will be responsible how you react.
Wisdom story: What can you learn about greed from chocolate
In this story the student goes through an interesting experiment to learn about greed. Now the really interesting part is what part does the chocolate have?
Story about happiness: What can a spoon teach us about the secret to happiness?
If you are searching for the secret to happiness like the boy in the story is then click the link and find out what the wise man had to say.
Mindset story: I will give you mine if you give me yours – The marble parable
There once was a boy who had a great collection of marbles and a girl with an enormous collection of…
Funny Story: Would you pass the test?
We set rules of what is acceptable and what is not. It’s like a test to help us make decisions. In time many themselves don’t pass the test they have set for others. Do you?
Wisdom story: The monk who was counting sins of others
If your in a leadership position and you spend more time counting sins of your team than helping them out you have failed them. Don’t be the monk in the story.