A story about when karma strikes back at people who try to get ahead at the expense of others. Do you know anyone who is like the merchant in the story?
Wisdom story: When a promise of loyalty gets you in trouble
Have you ever been in a situation where you knew it would be better for you to break your promise of loyalty than to blindly follow someone, but you still didn’t follow your instinct?
Teamwork story: The hedgehog’s lesson about where there is a will there is a way
There will be times where you will want to give up as everything will seem unfair. But keep a positive attitude and keep in mind that where there is a will there is a way.
Story about happiness: The harsh lesson a king learned to obtain happiness
Not everyone is able to obtain happiness. Even when you have everything to be happy you have to realize that you do. Not everyone can do that. Can you?
Problem solving story: How to find the right solution when you are completely stuck
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt completely stuck? Maybe you just need to look at the problem a bit differently and you will find your solution.
Inspirational story: The secret meaning behind “I wish you enough”
As a parent, it’s hard to see your child in certain situations. But as you will see in the story there is a deeper meaning behind the words “I wish you enough”.
Leadership story: Lesson of the rowing team why company culture is important
Company culture will make or break the team and what they can achieve. Have you ever been in a company that had potential but the culture ruined everything?
Mindset story: A zen monks lesson about what is really making you angry
We’ve all been in situations when we got angry but didn’t know why. If you want to know what is really making you angry read the story to learn the monk’s lesson about anger.
Mindset story: The king’s lesson how even a bad situation can have a positive side
When you find yourself in a bad situation can you see the positive side of what’s going on and what could this situation bring or does it paralyze you?
Mindset story: Who’s to say if it’s Bad luck or good luck?
When things happen to you people like to say that you had Bad luck or Good luck. But who knows until you see what those situations bring in the long run.