Make sure that you don’t end up like the man in the story who in the end finds out that the special exception made for him isn’t special at all.
Wisdom story: It’s up to you which of the two wolves inside you wins
What you think and what you do daily are the building blocks of your future. Which of the two wolves are you feeding the most?
Wisdom story: You can only find what you focus on
Focus is key to finding what you want. Be sure you focus on the right things, the things that are important to you and not to other people.
Perseverance story: What life lesson can you learn growing tomatoes
A story of an old mentor and his apprentice who wants to give up just because of one setback. The mentors lesson this time is in the tomato. And what is the lesson?
Wisdom story: How big of a splash you want to make in life is in your hands
Todays story is about commitment. Your commitment to what you want to achieve is an indicator of what you are able to actually achieve in life.
Mindset story: Always give it all you got, lessons from the carpenters’ last project
How much do you think your work is worth? And how many times do you give it all you got? In the end our results define how much our time is worth.
Wisdom story: Common sense is often not so common
Too many times people feel the need to be right all the time. What does it actually mean to be the best at your profession? Do you have to forget about common sense?
Story about change: Two ants, sacks of sugar and salt and a life lesson
Sometimes you need a friends help to help you learn that one life lesson which changes everything. For more read the story.
Story about change: To grow or not to grow
A story about two seeds. One decides to grow the other one decides to play it safe and stay as it is. Can you guess how the story ends?
Leadership story: Lessons of a lost horse when finding its way home
Great story that shows how we may get lost in life, but with some right guidance you will find your way home or where you need to get.