Do you ever hold back on your wishes or goals because the actions you would need to do to achieve them would take you out of your comfort zone?
Perseverance story: You can always give up later, but before that try harder
You don’t always have a choice in what situation you find yourselves in, but you always have a choice if you give up or not. Which frog are you?
Story about communication: Who is the Cookie thief?
We often prematurely judge situations without taking a look at the whole picture. Have you ever found yourself in the same position as the cookie thief?
Story about communication: The meaning of appearance
You send a message to the world with your appearance about who you are. But you also send a message to yourself subconsciously. Is it the right one?
Inspirational story: Whose hand did the boy draw for thanksgiving and why
If you were given the task to draw someone’s hand which helped you the most. Whose hand would that be? Would anyone draw yours?
Mindset story: 4 words that get you through the emotional highs and lows
It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and become emotional. The point of it all is to get back on track as quick as possible and deal with the situation.
Problem solving story: Sometimes you just need to let it be for a moment
You can not find a clear solution if you have your mind “muddy” with problems. Take a moment to let the dirt settle and then find the solution.
Story about happiness: Just five more minutes please
Be mindful of how and with who you spend your time. If you spend five more minutes with the person you love, they may be the most precious minutes ever.
Story about happiness: When filling the jar of life be sure to first…
In today’s story, we get to learn how to fill your jar of life with the right experiences. With which experiences are you filling your jar?
Mindset story: The tightrope story about walking the walk
How do you know when people truly support you? The tightrope story is a great example of how people talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.