You will definitely find yourself in an interview as the young boy did in the story at least once in your life. Now the question is what will you do?
Mindset story: The Swordsmiths story about what does it take to become the best
In your opinion what does it take to become the best in your field? If you are not sure you will certainly find your answer in the story.
Leadership story: The warriors power to control destiny
Do you think you have any influence on your destiny? If you are not sure, check out the story and maybe you fill find the answer.
Leadership story: The power of asking WHY instead of assuming you know everything
There is small difference between a great leader and at best an average one. And that difference is… You will find the answer in the story. Always ask why!
Mindset story: A wise man’s seminar on what you are doing wrong when pursuing happiness
In this short story you will see what a joke and a problem have in common. Focus on the solution, not on the problem. A simple success formula to happiness.
Mindset story: That is impossible no one can do that or can they – how to achieve big goals
When you set yourself a big goal it might seem impossible to achieve. So by setting yourself with smaller goals the main goal will seem less tough.
Mindset story: When wealth losses all of its value
Many of you hide your ambitions and abilities because you fear of failure. Your opportunities are the gold in the story. Don’t be like the man in the story.
Inspirational story: Puppies for sale and a boy who understands…
So many people judge you for different things all the time. In this inspirational story you will read why everyone is special because of who they are.
Wisdom story: How to find out who is lying and who is telling the truth
Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you knew that someone is lying to you but you couldn’t tell who it was. Try the trick from the story.
Wisdom story: Opportunities are everywhere you just need to see them
This story is a clear example how to take advantage of an opportunity when no one sees it. If you were the young boy would you do the same?