An inspiring short story about the importance of a persons mindset. Don’t give up too quickly or you will never know what you can achieve.
Perseverance story: How did the eagles’ goals influence his progress in life
It’s very important who you pick for your mentor as well as which goals you decide to pursue and in which order. Learn to walk before you decide to run.
Story about communication: The Lieutenants lesson about attitude
When you find yourself in a situation of power remember the lesson about attitude from this short funny story about communication and leadership.
Problem solving story: The magic of seeing a flaw as an opportunity
As you will read in this short problem-solving story you need to have a great “outside the box” mindset to see an opportunity in the flaw and not a problem.
Sales story: The secret for success in business is a satisfied customer
In this short funny sales story, you will learn a simple trick on how to find out if you have a satisfied customer or are you in danger of losing them. Do you trust your services or products enough to call up your customers like this?
Story about fear: A young warrior’s lesson how to recognize and battle fear
Everyone deals with fear in his or her own way. In today’s story, you get a blueprint of how to battle fear. Now it’s up to you if you will use it.
Mindset story: While one golfer gave it a try the other “could have done it”
Have you ever said “I could have done that but I don’t feel like it,” and then regretted you have never tried at all? Which golfer in the story are you?
Mindset story: Are you going to do something about it or will you just talk
When a situation or a problem arises are you the one who just talks about the problem or are you the one that is willing to do something about it.
Story about change: How a gardener changed the community
An individual can have a great impact on the community he lives in. At the same time, the community has an effect on the individual. Who affects who more?
Entrepreneurship story: The secret to building a business is self-confidence
Sometimes all you need to succeed is self-confidence and a lot of hard work. For many people hard work is not the problem, it’s their self-confidence.