The most precious gift a person can give you is their time and love. Be sure you earn it. In your opinion who has the most beautiful heart?
Story about fear: A donkey, a boy, an old man, and peer pressure
Be mindful of who you decide to listen to, and with who you spend your time. In the end, you are the one walking your path. Don’t succumb to peer pressure.
Teamwork story: Lesson from a wise man about growing good corn
The lesson is simple. Don’t be afraid to share your experience and knowledge. You’ll be surprised how quickly people will be willing to help you in return.
Story about happiness: When a man became a member of the “99 club”
What is the “99 club”? Maybe you are a member of it and don’t even know. If you want to know what are the symptoms of the “99 club” are read the story.
Story about happiness: How many “clay balls” have you thrown away?
Do you know how many life-changing opportunities have you thrown away in life? Most people will never know.
Story about happiness: When situations in life sculpture your destiny
Some people take each moment they get in life and learn from it, while others give up. The ones that adjust end up creating their own destiny.
Leadership story: The Zen masters most important lesson to his student
It doesn’t matter what other people think, in the end, what matters is that you do your best and learn at least one important lesson with each experience.
Teamwork story: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody
Always make sure everyone on your team knows about their responsibilities. Don’t let your team assume somebody will do the job. Hold them accountable.
Leadership story: The seeds of future leaders
Leadership comes with great responsibility. And not everyone that wants authority is able of taking responsibility for their actions or results.
Teamwork story: A stick breaks while a bundle of sticks is unbreakable
Your teammates fill in your weaknesses, pick up where you couldn’t go on, and give you the energy to go on. A real teams bond is unbreakable.