The most important skill a manager must have and keep on improving is his skill to effectively, clearly and respectfully communicate with others.
Teamwork story: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody
Always make sure everyone on your team knows about their responsibilities. Don’t let your team assume somebody will do the job. Hold them accountable.
Leadership story: The seeds of future leaders
Leadership comes with great responsibility. And not everyone that wants authority is able of taking responsibility for their actions or results.
Teamwork story: A stick breaks while a bundle of sticks is unbreakable
Your teammates fill in your weaknesses, pick up where you couldn’t go on, and give you the energy to go on. A real teams bond is unbreakable.
Wisdom story: When you learn that your life is but an echo of your actions
If you are not satisfied with where you are in life and what you have, then it is time to do something about it. Your life if an echo of your actions.
Leadership story: How to train a donkey the right way
Implementing changes without monitoring how they affect everyone in the process can lead to unwanted results. Learn how to train yourself and others.
Leadership story: Why did the lion fire the hardest working employee
Communication is key to success in teams and not more paperwork. Also lack of trust leads to catastrophe in productivity of the hardest working team members
Funny story: What would you wish for
You don’t have to be the first one to speak. Listen to the people around you and you will know how and what they are thinking.
Entrepreneurship story: The Fisherman’s Life
Have you ever been in a situation where you got advice from someone and you end up asking yourself or them “how is that different then what I am doing now?”
Wisdom story: Do you know where to tap?
In todays story you will get to see how knowledge, experience and time are of great value. But combined they are almost priceless.