If you are not satisfied with where you are in life and what you have, then it is time to do something about it. Your life if an echo of your actions.
Wisdom story: 5 lessons we can learn from a pencil
Constantly take the time to sharpen your skills through feedback and learning. Embrace the mistakes you make and lessons you get if you look for them.
Perseverance story: What life lesson can you learn growing tomatoes
A story of an old mentor and his apprentice who wants to give up just because of one setback. The mentors lesson this time is in the tomato. And what is the lesson?
Wisdom story: How big of a splash you want to make in life is in your hands
Todays story is about commitment. Your commitment to what you want to achieve is an indicator of what you are able to actually achieve in life.
Leadership story: Lessons of a lost horse when finding its way home
Great story that shows how we may get lost in life, but with some right guidance you will find your way home or where you need to get.
Funny story: Only two questions on the final exam
A story about responsibility and the consequences of lying. Four students come up with an excuse to take the exam in a couple of day. But what happens then?