Waves are a metaphor for the difficulties we encounter in our lives. They differ for each of us. But in the end, all that matters is how you react to them.
Wisdom story: A travelers lesson about being mindful of your thoughts
Don’t make the same mistake the brave traveler did in this short story at the very end. Be mindful of your thoughts before they get you into trouble.
Mindset story: A simple lesson of “The Law of the Garbage Truck”
Imagine the world we would live in if everyone would be aware of and follow “The law of the Garbage Truck”. The change can start with you now.
Perseverance story: A Zen master’s lesson about what success is
Every person has his own definition of what success is. But we all share a belief that successful people never give up. When they fall they get back up.
Story about communication: The Lieutenants lesson about attitude
When you find yourself in a situation of power remember the lesson about attitude from this short funny story about communication and leadership.
Problem solving story: The magic of seeing a flaw as an opportunity
As you will read in this short problem-solving story you need to have a great “outside the box” mindset to see an opportunity in the flaw and not a problem.
Teamwork story: What to do with the lazy member of the team?
In most cases lack of communication is the reason why in a team someone is accused of being a lazy member. With the right leadership this can be prevented.
Mindset story: While one golfer gave it a try the other “could have done it”
Have you ever said “I could have done that but I don’t feel like it,” and then regretted you have never tried at all? Which golfer in the story are you?
Mindset story: Are you going to do something about it or will you just talk
When a situation or a problem arises are you the one who just talks about the problem or are you the one that is willing to do something about it.
Entrepreneurship story: The secret to building a business is self-confidence
Sometimes all you need to succeed is self-confidence and a lot of hard work. For many people hard work is not the problem, it’s their self-confidence.