Communication is key to success in teams and not more paperwork. Also lack of trust leads to catastrophe in productivity of the hardest working team members
Problem solving story: What would you do – The bus stop dilemma
Be sure you can live with your decisions. In the end, you are the one who has to live with them for the rest of your life.
Funny story: What would you wish for
You don’t have to be the first one to speak. Listen to the people around you and you will know how and what they are thinking.
Story about communication: A father daughter talk about life
When giving instructions to someone, make sure that they understand them. If you are not sure make them repeat how they understood the instructions.
Wisdom story: The reward of study
A story about finding your passion, working hard and perfecting your craft. In the end, you will regret the things you didn’t experience.
Wisdom story: How many pebbles have you collected?
Imagine pebbles as opportunities. How many times have you focus on your comfort right now, and not enough on what you do for your future?
Mindset story: A King his adviser and two piglets
To master a craft takes a lot of discipline, knowledge and time on your part. Many people don’t have what it takes to master a craft. Do you?
Story about fear: Today is the day the giant comes
What can you learn about fear from a little girl that is about to face the biggest and most baddest monster the kingdom has ever seen.
Mindset story: The greatest last place
It’s not always about being the first or being the greatest. What counts is that you finish what you have started. That is how you get better and stronger.