You can always learn work skills, but only if you have the right mindset. And like the two brothers in the story, you may need some help to figure that out.
Perseverance story: The kings challenge to see who will give up too quickly
An inspiring short story about the importance of a persons mindset. Don’t give up too quickly or you will never know what you can achieve.
Perseverance story: How did the eagles’ goals influence his progress in life
It’s very important who you pick for your mentor as well as which goals you decide to pursue and in which order. Learn to walk before you decide to run.
Mindset story: While one golfer gave it a try the other “could have done it”
Have you ever said “I could have done that but I don’t feel like it,” and then regretted you have never tried at all? Which golfer in the story are you?
Perseverance story: Which tree will grow more and why?
We all encounter stressful situations and challenges in life and none of us were born with all the answers. But without them we wouldn’t grow more.
Story about fear: What does overcoming fear look like
As you can see from the story, how you face your fears determines what kind and how many opportunities you will get in life. Will you let fear stop you?
Perseverance story: What life lesson can you learn growing tomatoes
A story of an old mentor and his apprentice who wants to give up just because of one setback. The mentors lesson this time is in the tomato. And what is the lesson?
Story about change: Two ants, sacks of sugar and salt and a life lesson
Sometimes you need a friends help to help you learn that one life lesson which changes everything. For more read the story.
Mindset story: Don’t wait for something to happen to go after what you want
A story about two falcons, and how to get someone that is stuck in their comfort zone to finally move and achieve what they are capable of achieving.