Be mindful of how and with who you spend your time. If you spend five more minutes with the person you love, they may be the most precious minutes ever.
Story about happiness: When a man became a member of the “99 club”
What is the “99 club”? Maybe you are a member of it and don’t even know. If you want to know what are the symptoms of the “99 club” are read the story.
Story about happiness: How many “clay balls” have you thrown away?
Do you know how many life-changing opportunities have you thrown away in life? Most people will never know.
Story about happiness: When situations in life sculpture your destiny
Some people take each moment they get in life and learn from it, while others give up. The ones that adjust end up creating their own destiny.
Mindset story: What can you learn from a thousand mirrors about attitude
As this story shows it is very important in life to have a positive attitude. Especially towards experiencing new things and meeting new people.
Story about happiness: Are you really sure things can’t get worse
A short story that shows that things can always get worse, but they can also get better. It depends on what you do and your mindset.
Story about happiness: Life is like a cup of coffee
In todays high speed paced life we forget what really matters and what really makes us happy. Be sure you focus on the right things in life.
Entrepreneurship story: The Fisherman’s Life
Have you ever been in a situation where you got advice from someone and you end up asking yourself or them “how is that different then what I am doing now?”
Story about happiness: Why does a quarryman want to become a rock?
Do not let what other people have distract you from what you want and need. Or you might end up unhappy like the quarryman.