The most important thing when trying to achieve your goals is to have an open mind and be willing to take advantage of all that you have at your disposal.
Perseverance story: Be mindful of distractions or…
The key to achieving what you want is to be mindful of distractions. Even if you know that you still may end up lost like the monks in the story.
Mindset story: Are you going to do something about it or will you just talk
When a situation or a problem arises are you the one who just talks about the problem or are you the one that is willing to do something about it.
Perseverance story: Why does it take so long for a bamboo tree to grow?
The bamboo story has a strong message that in today’s fast-paced world many people overlook. It’s not always how fast you are going, keep in mind the roots…
Story about happiness: When filling the jar of life be sure to first…
In today’s story, we get to learn how to fill your jar of life with the right experiences. With which experiences are you filling your jar?
Story about happiness: When a man became a member of the “99 club”
What is the “99 club”? Maybe you are a member of it and don’t even know. If you want to know what are the symptoms of the “99 club” are read the story.
Teamwork story: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody
Always make sure everyone on your team knows about their responsibilities. Don’t let your team assume somebody will do the job. Hold them accountable.
Leadership story: How to train a donkey the right way
Implementing changes without monitoring how they affect everyone in the process can lead to unwanted results. Learn how to train yourself and others.
Wisdom story: You can only find what you focus on
Focus is key to finding what you want. Be sure you focus on the right things, the things that are important to you and not to other people.
Wisdom story: How big of a splash you want to make in life is in your hands
Todays story is about commitment. Your commitment to what you want to achieve is an indicator of what you are able to actually achieve in life.