Don’t make the same mistake the brave traveler did in this short story at the very end. Be mindful of your thoughts before they get you into trouble.
Mindset story: A simple lesson of “The Law of the Garbage Truck”
Imagine the world we would live in if everyone would be aware of and follow “The law of the Garbage Truck”. The change can start with you now.
Leadership story: 2 donkeys and the washer-mans plan to improve results
Today’s story is an excellent example of what happens when a manager believes he is the only one who knows how to improve results without carrying about his team.
Story about fear: A young warrior’s lesson how to recognize and battle fear
Everyone deals with fear in his or her own way. In today’s story, you get a blueprint of how to battle fear. Now it’s up to you if you will use it.
Story about change: How a gardener changed the community
An individual can have a great impact on the community he lives in. At the same time, the community has an effect on the individual. Who affects who more?
Mindset story: Is it a problem having three strands of hair and then none
There are people who see a problem in every situation and then there are those who see an opportunity in every situation. Which one are you?
Story about happiness: How many “clay balls” have you thrown away?
Do you know how many life-changing opportunities have you thrown away in life? Most people will never know.
Mindset story: Do not waddle through life when you can fly
Through life, you are reminded multiple times that you have what you need to create a better life for yourself and your loved ones. But do you do it?
Wisdom story: When you learn that your life is but an echo of your actions
If you are not satisfied with where you are in life and what you have, then it is time to do something about it. Your life if an echo of your actions.
Story about fear: What does overcoming fear look like
As you can see from the story, how you face your fears determines what kind and how many opportunities you will get in life. Will you let fear stop you?