Be mindful of how and with who you spend your time. If you spend five more minutes with the person you love, they may be the most precious minutes ever.
Story about stress: How not to carry work related problems home
A story how to deal with work problems and how to not burden your loved ones with them. No soup was eaten as hot as it was cooked.
Inspirational story: How much is an hour of your time
Don’t spend all of your time making money and chasing your dreams. Take some time off to be with your loved ones. They will recharge you.
Story about communication: A father daughter talk about life
When giving instructions to someone, make sure that they understand them. If you are not sure make them repeat how they understood the instructions.
Story about happiness: The Value Of Time
With money, you can buy a lot of stuff, but you can never buy more time or the moments you never had with your loved ones.