The carrot, egg or coffee story explains in a simple way how the same circumstances affect each of us differently. Read the story to see what are you?
Funny story: What would you wish for
You don’t have to be the first one to speak. Listen to the people around you and you will know how and what they are thinking.
Entrepreneurship story: The Fisherman’s Life
Have you ever been in a situation where you got advice from someone and you end up asking yourself or them “how is that different then what I am doing now?”
Wisdom story: Do you know where to tap?
In todays story you will get to see how knowledge, experience and time are of great value. But combined they are almost priceless.
Wisdom story: The reward of study
A story about finding your passion, working hard and perfecting your craft. In the end, you will regret the things you didn’t experience.
Story about happiness: The Value Of Time
With money, you can buy a lot of stuff, but you can never buy more time or the moments you never had with your loved ones.
Story about fear: Today is the day the giant comes
What can you learn about fear from a little girl that is about to face the biggest and most baddest monster the kingdom has ever seen.