There once lived a brave king. All his life he studied military strategy, economics, and trained very hard to be…
Problem solving story: The missing eighteenth camel parable
Many years ago, a wise man died of old age and left his belongings to his three sons. When his…
Leadership story: The power of asking WHY instead of assuming you know everything
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Problem solving story: When a crow had to think outside the box to survive
Today’s short story provides you with a great example of how not to give up and why to develop an “outside of the box” mindset to find the right solution.
Problem solving story: The magic of seeing a flaw as an opportunity
As you will read in this short problem-solving story you need to have a great “outside the box” mindset to see an opportunity in the flaw and not a problem.
Problem solving story: Sometimes you already have the solution
Sometimes all you need to do is take a step back and take a look if someone else already solved a similar problem, and then use that solution.