It doesn’t matter what other people think, in the end, what matters is that you do your best and learn at least one important lesson with each experience.
Story about fear: What does overcoming fear look like
As you can see from the story, how you face your fears determines what kind and how many opportunities you will get in life. Will you let fear stop you?
Story about change: Two ants, sacks of sugar and salt and a life lesson
Sometimes you need a friends help to help you learn that one life lesson which changes everything. For more read the story.
Mindset story: Don’t wait for something to happen to go after what you want
A story about two falcons, and how to get someone that is stuck in their comfort zone to finally move and achieve what they are capable of achieving.
Story about change: What is really holding you back from success
A story that points out that the things you might think are great for you are actually the ones holding you back from achieving success.
Mindset story: What is in the box?
Your attitude and beliefs can blind you for the opportunities that present themselves in front of you, sometimes even under you.
Mindset story: Can an eagle become a chicken?
The environment in which you grow up has a big impact on your beliefs and your identity. But with discipline, you can overcome any limiting beliefs.
Story about change: A caged birds chance for freedom
Do not let fear keep you in a “cage”. Many people become paralyzed when they actually get the opportunity to realize their dreams.