Do you know how to deal with fear, or are you like the young monk? Can you imagine what would have happened to him if he hadn’t listened to his mentor?
Leadership story: What can you learn about mentorship from flying a kite
Before accusing someone or something of holding you back with no reason, read this short inspirational story with a very important lesson about mentorship.
Leadership story: The wise teacher’s test of integrity
In life, your integrity will be tested many times. Before doing something you know is not right make sure you are willing to live with it yourself.
Teamwork story: Why is there a difference when everything is the same?
The key difference between the groups when everything else is the same is their attitude to their members. Carefully pick the people you hang around with.
Wisdom story: Things aren’t always what they seem
Things are not always what they seem. Even though we have all heard that we still sometimes jump to conclusions instead of keeping our minds open.
Leadership story: Lessons of the Three Dolls every leader must know
Many people disregard the lessons of people before their time. Why make the same mistakes on your own when you can learn from the mistakes of others?
Story about happiness: When situations in life sculpture your destiny
Some people take each moment they get in life and learn from it, while others give up. The ones that adjust end up creating their own destiny.
Perseverance story: What life lesson can you learn growing tomatoes
A story of an old mentor and his apprentice who wants to give up just because of one setback. The mentors lesson this time is in the tomato. And what is the lesson?
Perseverance story: This is what happens when you master a skill set
What at first might seem like a setback for you can become your greatest advantage. Mostly it’s about your mindset and the will to master a skill.