Story about change: The village, its Ombu tree, and an unexpected event

There was once such a small village that no other neighboring state or city would have it on their maps. The town was so small it only had one small village square with a single tree growing on it. But the villagers loved their small village and barely anyone left the village for a longer period of time. Yes, children went off to study and work abroad, but they would always return at one point in their life. The one thing that always connected and brought together the villagers was the Ombu tree in the middle of the village square. The Ombu tree was the gathering point of all the villagers, it was a part of their everyday life, as it also was the place where everything that happened in the village happened. It was the place where men and women, boys and girls would meet, go on walks and start dating. Where business deals were made, as also the main village decisions. Also, it was the place where people would get married and go to remember the dead. The Ombu tree was the one thing that brought stability to the people. It was there since anyone could remember and it didn’t change much, it only got bigger. But then one day an unexpected event happened in the village. No one knew if this was good or bad but there it was, a green twig with two leaves peeked out of one of the roots of the Ombu tree. This was the first time something like this happened, and soon as the initial enthusiasm had passed a committee was formed to prepare a ceremony in honor of the new sprout. But to the surprise of the committee, not everyone took part in the celebration. Some were worried that the sprout would bring only trouble. And soon more of them popped up all over the Umbo roots across the village square. One day the guard of the square warned the inhabitants that something was wrong with the Ombu tree as its leaves were more yellowish than usual and were falling off quickly even though it was not yet that time of the year for the leaves to fall down. The tree bark, which was once thick and firm, has become dry and cracked. The tree was dying and everyone could see it.

That day, during an evening walk, an argument broke out between a small group of villagers. Some said it was all the sprouts’ fault that this was happening to the Ombu tree, and that until they showed up everything was in perfect order. On the other hand, there were people who defended the sprouts and said that they have nothing to do with the tree dying and that the sprouts themselves would replace the tree if anything happened to it. And from that day forward another unexpected event happened… for the first time in the history of the village two groups of people formed who couldn’t come to an agreement. The village elders who were responsible for leading the village had no clue that this disagreement was only about to get more heated and that there would be trouble. The elders tried to discuss the matter with the two groups the same day, but to no avail, the two groups only got angrier. As it was getting pretty late and it was well past sundown the elders decided that they all should take a break and sleep on this issue and come up with a solution the next day. The next day the meeting started early and the group which called themselves the “Ombu’s defenders” argued that the solution was to restore the status quo. The sprouts were taking away the strength of the old tree, as they are its parasites, and it’s only reasonable to destroy them so the tree can recover. The other group that called themselves “Defenders of life” were appalled by this suggestion. They had a different solution and it was the only reasonable one as they pointed out. And that solution was to cut down the tree, as its life had expired and it was only taking the sun and water away from the sprouts.

With both sides being outraged by the other side’s suggestions the arguments turned into a fight, in which there was no shortage of yelling, insults, and kicks. The village police resolved the incident by sending both parties home. Because of this action, there was another unexpected event yet to happen. The “Ombu’s defenders” rallied at night as they had found the situation untenable. Stupid naysayers will not understand their views, so they are the ones that have to take action. Armed with pruning shears, shovels, and picks, they decided to attack. They justified their actions by saying that once the sprouts are destroyed, it will be much easier to negotiate. Once they arrived at the village square, they saw that the members of the “Defenders of life” group had piled logs around the Umbo tree as their intention was to burn it. The two groups clashed again, but now they were armed with hatred, anger, and hunger for destruction. Several sprouts were trampled and destroyed during the fight. The trunk and branches of the old Ombu also suffered considerable damage. More than twenty members of both sides landed in the village infirmary with minor or serious injuries. The next morning, the situation in the square was still heated. “Ombu’s defenders” put up a fence around the tree, guarded at all times by four armed men while the “Defenders of life” group put up small wired fences around the small sprouts to protect them from any attack.

With everything going on life in the village became unbearable. Both groups tried to gain as much support as possible, so they informed all the villagers about their efforts and wanted the undecided to join their group and speak up. Because of this people started to avoid each other just to have some peace. With the situation not settling down the village priest who was also the justice of the peace decided to inform everyone that he has heard enough and was about to rule on the matter the next Sunday. Things finally calmed down as everyone was now waiting for the next Sunday and didn’t want to get on the bad side of the priest until then. The anticipated Sunday had finally arrived and everyone gathered in front of the church. The people were separated by a rope, and both sides were constantly attacking each other. It was impossible to hear anyone because of the unbearable screaming. Suddenly, the door of the church opened and an old man came down the path, leaning on his staff. The man must have been over a hundred years old. The priest introduced the old man as the person who seeded the Ombu tree and the architect of the village. Every villager knew the reputation of this wise old man even if they didn’t know the man himself. He was very respected and the villagers were very happy that such a wise and just man would resolve the whole situation.

As the old man finally arrived at the podium he cleared his through and said, “Fools, You call yourselves “Ombus defenders” and “Defenders of life”… Defenders? You are incapable of defending anything, for your only purpose is to hurt anyone who thinks differently. You do not realize your error! Ombu is not a stone. It is a living thing and like all living things, it has a life cycle. This cycle also means that the Ombu tree gives life to those who will succeed it which are the sprouts that will in turn grow into new Ombu trees. But, you fools, you know nothing. Sprouts are not able to survive if the Ombu tree dies, and the Ombu’s life would have no meaning if it could not create new life in the form of sprouts. Those of you who call yourself “Defenders of life” you better prepare, train and arm yourself as soon as possible. The hour will soon come when you will have to burn down the house of your parents with them in it because they will grow old and they will get in your way. Those of you who call yourself “Ombu’s defenders”, get ready fast and keep practicing on the sprouts of the Ombu tree. You must be ready as soon as possible to destroy your children who will soon try to become what you have become and achieve what you have achieved. You dare to call yourself defenders! You defend nothing and at the same time destroy everything and you don’t even notice it! This unexpected event as you call it may be your last wakening call to change things. To realize what life is really about and that new things and new situations are not the end of what once was, but rather a part of that as well a continuation of it.” With those words, the old man left the crowd in awe. They all realized what the old man was saying and decided to nurture both the Ombu tree and the sprouts until the Ombu tree would die on its own and the sprouts would grow into new Ombu trees. The villagers did not change only their actions towards the tree and the sprouts but also towards their elders and young.

Moral of the story:

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