Story about happiness: When situations in life sculpture your destiny

In the middle of a beautiful city, there was a museum laid with beautiful marble tiles and with a huge marble statue as a part of the display. Many people from all over the world visited the museum every day and admired the beautifully crafted statue. One night, the marble tiles started talking to the marble statue “Hey statue, Don’t you think that it is just not fair that everybody from all over the world comes all the way here to admire you while ignoring and stepping on me?”

The statue answers “My dear brother, don’t you remember we are actually from the same cave. “Yes! I do, that is why I feel it is even more unfair. Both of us were born from the same cave and yet the world treats us so differently now. This is so unfair!” said the tiles.

The statute pauses for a moment and then says “Yes you are right my brother. But, do you still remember the day when the sculptor tried to work on you but you resisted his tools?” The tiles remembering the sculpture said “Yes, I despise that guy. How could he use those nasty tools on me? Then the statue continued “Well since you resisted his tools he couldn’t work on you. When he decided to give up on you, he started working on me instead. I knew at once that I would be something different and unique after his efforts. I bore all the painful tools he used on me and allowed him to craft me as he wanted!”

The tiles feeling sad said with regret “But those tools were so painful.” “My brother, there is a price for everything in life. Since you decided to resist and gave up halfway, you can’t blame anybody who steps on you now,” were the last words the tiles heard from the statue before they started reflecting on the decisions they made and the destiny they ended up with because of those decisions.

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