Have you ever said “I could have done that but I don’t feel like it,” and then regretted you have never tried at all? Which golfer in the story are you?
Entrepreneurship story: The secret to building a business is self-confidence
Sometimes all you need to succeed is self-confidence and a lot of hard work. For many people hard work is not the problem, it’s their self-confidence.
Story about stress: What to do when a clock has a nervous breakdown
Things aren’t always what they seem, that is why it is important to keep a calm mind when solving a problem. A nervous breakdown won’t help you solve it.
Mindset story: Can a rope hold back a full-grown elephant
Do you ever hold back on your wishes or goals because the actions you would need to do to achieve them would take you out of your comfort zone?
Story about fear: A donkey, a boy, an old man, and peer pressure
Be mindful of who you decide to listen to, and with who you spend your time. In the end, you are the one walking your path. Don’t succumb to peer pressure.
Story about fear: What does overcoming fear look like
As you can see from the story, how you face your fears determines what kind and how many opportunities you will get in life. Will you let fear stop you?
Story about change: To grow or not to grow
A story about two seeds. One decides to grow the other one decides to play it safe and stay as it is. Can you guess how the story ends?
Story about change: A caged birds chance for freedom
Do not let fear keep you in a “cage”. Many people become paralyzed when they actually get the opportunity to realize their dreams.
Story about fear: Today is the day the giant comes
What can you learn about fear from a little girl that is about to face the biggest and most baddest monster the kingdom has ever seen.