When you find yourself in a situation of power remember the lesson about attitude from this short funny story about communication and leadership.
Leadership story: 2 donkeys and the washer-mans plan to improve results
Today’s story is an excellent example of what happens when a manager believes he is the only one who knows how to improve results without carrying about his team.
Teamwork story: What to do with the lazy member of the team?
In most cases lack of communication is the reason why in a team someone is accused of being a lazy member. With the right leadership this can be prevented.
Funny story: Why you should know more than one language
Language was always a barrier or an advantage. You can find a simple example in the story of how a mouse got the upper hand over a cat.
Story about communication: When a manager acts before he thinks
The most important skill a manager must have and keep on improving is his skill to effectively, clearly and respectfully communicate with others.
Leadership story: Lessons of the Three Dolls every leader must know
Many people disregard the lessons of people before their time. Why make the same mistakes on your own when you can learn from the mistakes of others?
Story about communication: Who is the Cookie thief?
We often prematurely judge situations without taking a look at the whole picture. Have you ever found yourself in the same position as the cookie thief?
Story about communication: The meaning of appearance
You send a message to the world with your appearance about who you are. But you also send a message to yourself subconsciously. Is it the right one?
Mindset story: The tightrope story about walking the walk
How do you know when people truly support you? The tightrope story is a great example of how people talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.
Wisdom story: The lesson about bullying from a crumpled piece of paper
How would you explain the consequences of bullying to young children? If you ever need to do so, read the story and use what you learned.