Be sure you can live with your decisions. In the end, you are the one who has to live with them for the rest of your life.
Problem solving story: The black and white pebble dilemma
In the black and white pebble story you will see how with the right attitude, most situations are winnable. Even the ones that at first may seem impossible.
Perseverance story: What does making a difference look like
You can’t change everything at once. Sometimes you have to accept the smallest victories. In the end, enough small victories can win you “the war”.
Perseverance story: What Are You… a carrot, egg or coffee?
The carrot, egg or coffee story explains in a simple way how the same circumstances affect each of us differently. Read the story to see what are you?
Problem solving story: Sometimes you already have the solution
Sometimes all you need to do is take a step back and take a look if someone else already solved a similar problem, and then use that solution.
Wisdom story: Do you know where to tap?
In todays story you will get to see how knowledge, experience and time are of great value. But combined they are almost priceless.
Wisdom story: The flood and the old man’s choices
It’s good to have your convictions and beliefs, but always keep an opened mind and open eyes to what is going on around you.