In your opinion what does it take to become the best in your field? If you are not sure you will certainly find your answer in the story.
Mindset story: That is impossible no one can do that or can they – how to achieve big goals
When you set yourself a big goal it might seem impossible to achieve. So by setting yourself with smaller goals the main goal will seem less tough.
Wisdom story: When a small thing brings down giant ones
History is full of situations when that one small thing made all the difference in the outcome. The next time you think you are too little to make an impact just reread this story.
Problem solving story: When a crow had to think outside the box to survive
Today’s short story provides you with a great example of how not to give up and why to develop an “outside of the box” mindset to find the right solution.
Perseverance story: What do you think makes strong foundations?
Do you know how to build strong foundations to become successful? If you’re not sure read this short story and find out what is the secret to success.
Story about fear: A young warrior’s lesson how to recognize and battle fear
Everyone deals with fear in his or her own way. In today’s story, you get a blueprint of how to battle fear. Now it’s up to you if you will use it.
Mindset story: While one golfer gave it a try the other “could have done it”
Have you ever said “I could have done that but I don’t feel like it,” and then regretted you have never tried at all? Which golfer in the story are you?
Entrepreneurship story: The secret to building a business is self-confidence
Sometimes all you need to succeed is self-confidence and a lot of hard work. For many people hard work is not the problem, it’s their self-confidence.
Perseverance story: Why does it take so long for a bamboo tree to grow?
The bamboo story has a strong message that in today’s fast-paced world many people overlook. It’s not always how fast you are going, keep in mind the roots…
Perseverance story: You can always give up later, but before that try harder
You don’t always have a choice in what situation you find yourselves in, but you always have a choice if you give up or not. Which frog are you?