When the problem you are facing seems too big to solve remember that it all starts with a single action. Take one step at a time until you are done.
Teamwork story: Why is there a difference when everything is the same?
The key difference between the groups when everything else is the same is their attitude to their members. Carefully pick the people you hang around with.
Mindset story: A simple lesson of “The Law of the Garbage Truck”
Imagine the world we would live in if everyone would be aware of and follow “The law of the Garbage Truck”. The change can start with you now.
Perseverance story: A Zen master’s lesson about what success is
Every person has his own definition of what success is. But we all share a belief that successful people never give up. When they fall they get back up.
Mindset story: Who is responsible for hindering your growth
Who do you believe is responsible for your success? Read the story to find out what is truly holding you back from success.
Inspirational story: The only thing you can control is how you react
In your life situations will arise on which you have no control. Some will be pleasent others unfairl. In the end you will be responsible how you react.
Mindset story: I will give you mine if you give me yours – The marble parable
Mindset story: I will give you mine if you give me yours – The marble parable <p style=”text-align: justify;”>There once…
Happiness story: The monkey and the shiny apples
Like the monkey in the story many of us get distracted in life by the “shiny apples”. The trick is to discover your life values and pursue them.
Mindset story: The lazy monk who wondered why he never got rich
Are you like the lazy monk in the story? Click the link and read the story to learn which mistakes you are making that prevent you from being successful.
Mindset story: The orange parable – what does it take to be extraordinary
In the orange parable you will read why you have to become the “ninja” of your craft. Think of every step/situation and have a solution at hand.