A story that teaches us the importance of not being “over” charmed by first impressions and to think logically about the choice you are about to make.
Entrepreneurship story: When you don’t get an opportunity make one
A motivational story about a man who was denied a job in a big company just because he didn’t have an email, so he ended up creating his own opportunity.
Story about stress: How not to carry work related problems home
A story how to deal with work problems and how to not burden your loved ones with them. No soup was eaten as hot as it was cooked.
Mindset story: The seven wonders of the world most people forget about
What are the seven wonders of your world? If you are not sure what to answer read the story to get things into perspective.
Problem solving story: What would you do – The bus stop dilemma
Be sure you can live with your decisions. In the end, you are the one who has to live with them for the rest of your life.
Story about happiness: Life is like a cup of coffee
In todays high speed paced life we forget what really matters and what really makes us happy. Be sure you focus on the right things in life.
Wisdom story: What can a hammer and some nails teach you about anger
Don’t let anger control you. If you are to caught up in the moment, take a couple of minutes to breathe and think about what you want to do next.
Wisdom story: To who does the gift belong to when no one accepts it?
Arguing with a fool will get you nowhere. It might even cause you to become a fool yourself. Leave the gift of arguing to the fools.
Perseverance story: This is what happens when you master a skill set
What at first might seem like a setback for you can become your greatest advantage. Mostly it’s about your mindset and the will to master a skill.
Legacy story: Findings of a man who decided to change the world
Did you ever take the time to think about how your actions affect the world? Read the story to find out how you can change the world.