Through life, you are reminded multiple times that you have what you need to create a better life for yourself and your loved ones. But do you do it?
Wisdom story: When you learn that your life is but an echo of your actions
If you are not satisfied with where you are in life and what you have, then it is time to do something about it. Your life if an echo of your actions.
Story about fear: What does overcoming fear look like
As you can see from the story, how you face your fears determines what kind and how many opportunities you will get in life. Will you let fear stop you?
Wisdom story: 5 lessons we can learn from a pencil
Constantly take the time to sharpen your skills through feedback and learning. Embrace the mistakes you make and lessons you get if you look for them.
Leadership story: How to train a donkey the right way
Implementing changes without monitoring how they affect everyone in the process can lead to unwanted results. Learn how to train yourself and others.
Mindset story: The importance of finding meaning in your work
By finding meaning in your work determines how successful you will be. If what you do is just a job, it will be a lot harder to do it when things get hard.
Funny story: If we make a special exception for you will it be special?
Make sure that you don’t end up like the man in the story who in the end finds out that the special exception made for him isn’t special at all.
Wisdom story: It’s up to you which of the two wolves inside you wins
What you think and what you do daily are the building blocks of your future. Which of the two wolves are you feeding the most?
Wisdom story: You can only find what you focus on
Focus is key to finding what you want. Be sure you focus on the right things, the things that are important to you and not to other people.
Perseverance story: What life lesson can you learn growing tomatoes
A story of an old mentor and his apprentice who wants to give up just because of one setback. The mentors lesson this time is in the tomato. And what is the lesson?