In most cases lack of communication is the reason why in a team someone is accused of being a lazy member. With the right leadership this can be prevented.
Mindset story: While one golfer gave it a try the other “could have done it”
Have you ever said “I could have done that but I don’t feel like it,” and then regretted you have never tried at all? Which golfer in the story are you?
Mindset story: Are you going to do something about it or will you just talk
When a situation or a problem arises are you the one who just talks about the problem or are you the one that is willing to do something about it.
Story about change: How a gardener changed the community
An individual can have a great impact on the community he lives in. At the same time, the community has an effect on the individual. Who affects who more?
Story about communication: When a manager acts before he thinks
The most important skill a manager must have and keep on improving is his skill to effectively, clearly and respectfully communicate with others.
Problem solving story: How to tell the king that his solution isn’t suitable
True leaders know what they know and what they don’t. They find the right person to come up with a solution to a problem they know they can’t solve alone.
Leadership story: Lessons of the Three Dolls every leader must know
Many people disregard the lessons of people before their time. Why make the same mistakes on your own when you can learn from the mistakes of others?
Inspirational story: Whose hand did the boy draw for thanksgiving and why
If you were given the task to draw someone’s hand which helped you the most. Whose hand would that be? Would anyone draw yours?
Inspirational story: Who has the most beautiful heart
The most precious gift a person can give you is their time and love. Be sure you earn it. In your opinion who has the most beautiful heart?
Teamwork story: The difference between heaven and hell
You can have two different groups of people in the same situation but it will depend on their mindset if the environment they are in is heaven or hell.