Have you ever heard someone say “not my problem” and see them have a problem because of it? It happens more often than you might expect.
Leadership story: The stateless king who was born and bred to be a leader
Many say they were born and bred to be a leader. But which is more important. To be born into the role of a leader, or made a leader because of experience?
Leadership story: What can you learn about mentorship from flying a kite
Before accusing someone or something of holding you back with no reason, read this short inspirational story with a very important lesson about mentorship.
Wisdom story: A Zen master and his test of true mastery of skill and mind
As the Zen master in the story shows even when you master a skill you are left with mastering the mind. Until you master both you are still learning.
Leadership story: The wise teacher’s test of integrity
In life, your integrity will be tested many times. Before doing something you know is not right make sure you are willing to live with it yourself.
Leadership story: When predicting the future be aware of your next step
When planning your future be careful that you don’t drift away “too far” and forget to concentrate on the things you need to do now to get there.
Teamwork story: Why is there a difference when everything is the same?
The key difference between the groups when everything else is the same is their attitude to their members. Carefully pick the people you hang around with.
Mindset story: Who is responsible for hindering your growth
Who do you believe is responsible for your success? Read the story to find out what is truly holding you back from success.
Problem solving story: The brave kings perfect portrait
The story about the brave king and the painter shares with us a strong message about understanding what is really the problem you are solving.