Simple instructions for a simple task but the end result is not what was expected. Who is responsible for the outcome?
Mindset story: The king’s blind trust
There was once a king who trusted his people to do right by him if he does right by them. Read the story to find out if they justified the king’s blind trust or do they take advantage of it.
Leadership story: Is it all a waste of time or not?
If you are in a leadership role you may many times feel like all you do is a waste of time. But if you are aware of your responsibilities you know nothing is a waste of time.
Leadership story: The general’s strong reputation
Will the general’s strong reputation and strategy be enough to win a battle in which his forces are surrounded and much smaller in number than the enemy has?
Wisdom story: Will the impatient king learn his lesson or lose it all?
Has anyone ever told you that you are too impatient? Read the story and learn from the king’s mistakes there is no need you have to make your own mistakes.
Leadership story: A leader’s reaction in a difficult situation
In the story, you will see why a leader always needs to keep a calm head even when others can’t find a way to solve a difficult situation.
Teamwork story: The Stone soup effect
Every leader who is worth something should know at least a little bit about the stone soup effect and how to incorporate it into their team. Do you?
Perseverance story: Be mindful of distractions or…
The key to achieving what you want is to be mindful of distractions. Even if you know that you still may end up lost like the monks in the story.
Inspirational story: The secret meaning behind “I wish you enough”
As a parent, it’s hard to see your child in certain situations. But as you will see in the story there is a deeper meaning behind the words “I wish you enough”.
Leadership story: Lesson of the rowing team why company culture is important
Company culture will make or break the team and what they can achieve. Have you ever been in a company that had potential but the culture ruined everything?