Be mindful of how and with who you spend your time. If you spend five more minutes with the person you love, they may be the most precious minutes ever.
Story about happiness: When filling the jar of life be sure to first…
In today’s story, we get to learn how to fill your jar of life with the right experiences. With which experiences are you filling your jar?
Mindset story: What do you see through your window
What kind of person are you? Do you see opportunities or do you see obstacles? Be aware that your outlook on your life will determine your opportunities.
Inspirational story: Who has the most beautiful heart
The most precious gift a person can give you is their time and love. Be sure you earn it. In your opinion who has the most beautiful heart?
Teamwork story: Lesson from a wise man about growing good corn
The lesson is simple. Don’t be afraid to share your experience and knowledge. You’ll be surprised how quickly people will be willing to help you in return.
Wisdom story: When you learn that your life is but an echo of your actions
If you are not satisfied with where you are in life and what you have, then it is time to do something about it. Your life if an echo of your actions.
Story about fear: What does overcoming fear look like
As you can see from the story, how you face your fears determines what kind and how many opportunities you will get in life. Will you let fear stop you?
Wisdom story: 5 lessons we can learn from a pencil
Constantly take the time to sharpen your skills through feedback and learning. Embrace the mistakes you make and lessons you get if you look for them.
Mindset story: The importance of finding meaning in your work
By finding meaning in your work determines how successful you will be. If what you do is just a job, it will be a lot harder to do it when things get hard.
Wisdom story: It’s up to you which of the two wolves inside you wins
What you think and what you do daily are the building blocks of your future. Which of the two wolves are you feeding the most?