Discover the inspiring tale of a short man who embarks on a journey to become taller but learns a powerful lesson instead. In “Why Being Different is a Gift: The Short Man’s Heartwarming Story of Self-Love,” he finds happiness by embracing his uniqueness and spreading joy to others.
Story about happiness: The harsh lesson a king learned to obtain happiness
Not everyone is able to obtain happiness. Even when you have everything to be happy you have to realize that you do. Not everyone can do that. Can you?
Inspirational story: The secret meaning behind “I wish you enough”
As a parent, it’s hard to see your child in certain situations. But as you will see in the story there is a deeper meaning behind the words “I wish you enough”.
Mindset story: A zen monks lesson about what is really making you angry
We’ve all been in situations when we got angry but didn’t know why. If you want to know what is really making you angry read the story to learn the monk’s lesson about anger.
Mindset story: Would a gold egg each day make you happy?
Do you really know what would make you happy? Whatever it is, cherish every moment of it if you found it, and be careful when wanting more to not lose what you already have.
Story about happiness: The Love and Time parable
Love and time are the two things we most regret not taking advantage of well enough. In many situations, only time shows the impact that love has on you.
Wisdom story: Family, career, time and missed opportunities
Missed opportunities often come to haunt you. But it shouldn’t be so. You should knowingly decide which opportunities you will miss and which you will take.
Inspirational story: How much is a mother’s love worth? Check the bill
A great inspirational story for mother’s day. A mother’s love has no price and knows no boundaries. How would you react if you were the mom in the story?
Wisdom story: What can you learn about greed from chocolate
In this story the student goes through an interesting experiment to learn about greed. Now the really interesting part is what part does the chocolate have?
Story about happiness: What can a spoon teach us about the secret to happiness?
If you are searching for the secret to happiness like the boy in the story is then click the link and find out what the wise man had to say.