Problem solving story: What would you do - The bus stop dilemma

One day a successful businessman was driving alone in his new car on a wild, stormy night. After a hard and long day at work, he saw himself parking his brand new sports car in his garage and relaxing at home doing nothing. But as he stopped at a red light next to a bus stop just a couple miles away from home, he saw three people waiting for the bus.

The first one that caught his eye was an old lady who looked as if she was about to die. Next to her was an old friend that saved the businessman’s life when he was younger and he hasn’t seen him since then. And the third person he saw to his surprise was the love of his life. 

Without hesitating, he decided to stop at the bus stop and give one of them a ride. But which one should he offer a ride to, knowing well that there could only be one additional passenger in his car? So now he found himself with a moral dilemma. Will he offer a ride to the old lady and save her life by taking her to the hospital? Or will he offer a ride to his friend who he hasn’t thanked properly since he saved his life? But then again right there in front of him was the love of his life that he will finally get the chance to talk to and most probably ignite a spark in a relationship.

And that’s when he thought of a »win-win solution«.

He stepped out of his car said hello to his friend and gave him his car keys so that he could take the old lady to the hospital and go do his errand and then come back for him. And at the same time, the businessman would stay at the bus station and talk to the love of his life until her bus would arrive.

Moral of the story:

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