Perseverance story: How did the eagles' goals influence his progress in life

Once a young eagle was coming of age and was about to leave from his nest when he saw a large pig running around in the forest below. “Ooh, that looks yummy,” he said.

“No dear,” his mother said, “you’re not ready to hunt something so big yet. Start with mice.” The young eagle being a good son listened to his mother and learned how to hunt mice first. He became really got at it really fast.

Then his mind began to wander towards his original goal of catching pigs again. “No dear,” his mother said, “perhaps you should learn how to catch rabbits now.” So he did so, then set his sights again.

“No dear,” his mother said again, “now it’s time for lambs.”

The young eagle soon became a master of catching lambs and then one day, he saw a pig running around below. He looked at the pig then caught his mother’s eye. She nodded approvingly and the eagle took off from his branch and swooped down.

He had pork for dinner that day. And while eating the pig, he finally understood why his mother didn’t let him go after the pig sooner.

Moral of the story:

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