As you will get to read in this short story rumors and gossip are like their own organism. Once they become “alive” they evolve in unimaginable ways.
Story about fear: A young monk learns a lesson on how to deal with fear
Do you know how to deal with fear, or are you like the young monk? Can you imagine what would have happened to him if he hadn’t listened to his mentor?
Wisdom story: The “key test” to see who to trust with what you love
Imagine having everything you ever wished for and achieving everything you set out to, but you would never know who to trust. Could you live like that?
Perseverance story: A father’s final lesson to his sons about work skills
You can always learn work skills, but only if you have the right mindset. And like the two brothers in the story, you may need some help to figure that out.
Wisdom story: How to complicate a simple thing as buying a pair of shoes
Sometimes common sense is not that common. Many times like in the short story, wise people complicate the simplest things.
Perseverance story: The kings challenge to see who will give up too quickly
An inspiring short story about the importance of a persons mindset. Don’t give up too quickly or you will never know what you can achieve.
Wisdom story: A travelers lesson about being mindful of your thoughts
Don’t make the same mistake the brave traveler did in this short story at the very end. Be mindful of your thoughts before they get you into trouble.
Mindset story: The 10th apple effect and the lesson about being grateful
A short moral story about the 10th apple effect which we almost al fall for in our life. Have an open mindset and be grateful for what you already have.
Leadership story: What can you learn about mentorship from flying a kite
Before accusing someone or something of holding you back with no reason, read this short inspirational story with a very important lesson about mentorship.
Mindset story: What’s more dangerous than the words it just can’t be done?
One of the most dangerous words are “It just can’t be done”. Because they can “push” people into doing the wrong thing like the pilot in today’s short story