Leadership story: How a prince earned his kingdom

Once upon a time, a wise King ruled over a vast kingdom. One year, a terrible drought struck the land, leaving the country estates dry and lifeless. To solve this crisis, the King summoned his two sons and gave them an important task. “My sons,” the King said, “each of you must build an aqueduct to bring water to our estates. One of you will go north, and the other south. This is not just about building, this is about leadership, wisdom, and service to our people.” The first son, eager to prove himself, requested a large sum of money and a division of the army to help oversee the construction. With his father’s resources, he traveled north and ordered the people of the land to work. He paid fair wages and carefully supervised every step of the project. It was a difficult undertaking, but after two years of hard work, the aqueduct was completed. Proud of his accomplishment, he returned to the palace, expecting to be honored.

However, upon his arrival, the first son found the palace filled with celebration. He quickly learned that his younger brother had not only completed his aqueduct in the south, but he had done so in just one year without using much money or soldiers. What was even more surprising was that his brother was about to be crowned as the next King. Confused and suspicious, the first son set off to investigate. What he found shocked him. The southern aqueduct was not built according to the original plans. There were additional water outlets along the way, meaning that much of the water never reached the royal estates. Worse still, the villagers had not been paid for their labor. His brother had even forced the King’s soldiers to work alongside the commoners! Outraged, the first son rushed back to the palace and confronted his father. “Father, you cannot make my brother King! He has acted irresponsibly and dishonorably. He disrespected the plans, confronted the prime minister in public, and used our soldiers for labor. Worst of all, he left the villagers unpaid. How can you reward such behavior?”

The King looked at his son with kind but firm eyes. “Everything you say is true,” he replied. “But let me ask you this… Do the villagers in the north love you?” The first son hesitated. “They respect me… but love? I don’t know.” The King nodded. “That is because you led with rules, but your brother led with his heart. He saw that the people needed water as much as we did. Instead of building just for the royal estates, he made sure every village along the way had access to water. That is why he changed the plans. “And yes, he confronted the prime minister. But he did so to defend the people’s rights. Instead of forcing labor upon them, he inspired them. The villagers worked freely because they believed in his vision. Even the soldiers followed him not out of duty, but out of admiration. And most importantly, he worked harder than anyone, side by side with the people, forgetting his own status as a prince. That is why the people love him. That is why he will be King, not just by title, but by the hearts of his people.” The first son fell silent, deep in thought. He realized that while he had built a grand structure, his brother had built something far greater, a bond with the people. Without hesitation, he went to his brother and embraced him.

Moral of the story:

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