What Makes Them Click?

by Susan M. Weinschenk


  • Computer Science
  • Web Design

Review posted on:


The number of pages:

162 pages

Book rating:


Year the book was published:

First edition published 2008

Who should read this book:

  • Web designers, UX developers, and anyone working on websites.

Why did I pick up this book and what did I expect to get out of it:

Well, one of the reasons for picking up Neuro Web Design is that everything is going on the web. Web design is important not just because it is cheaper and easier to create a website and sell stuff or services on it, it is also a very competitive space. If you are not keeping up with what kind of web designs people like and what makes people decide, you will lose so many opportunities as a business trying to make it on the web. 

When deciding to pick up this Neuro Web Design by Susan M. Weinschenk I took a look at the reviews on the web and they were mostly good reviews. But I was still a bit skeptical about picking it up. But then when looking at the table of content, and the covers I decided to give it a go. I expect to read about designs why certain elements are good and how they affect the human mind when deciding if they like something and if they want to buy it. I expect to read about the “hot buttons” we subconsciously have and how to implement them into your web design as well as some study cases of when that was done and what were the results.

My thoughts about the book:

Even though this book was published in 2009 it has a lot of useful examples and study cases based on neuropsychological research which you can implement today. At first, you will get to read a little bit about how your brain is built and which part of the brain is responsible for which action. After you learn that, you get to learn how to use this knowledge to get the attention of your potential visitors/customers. Each chapter consists of insights derived from psychology and neuroscience followed by a few examples and a short summary. This book will show you how and why you make decisions and how others influence you into making those decisions subconsciously online and in real life.

I like the book because of its simplicity. The author is concise and she makes her point without redundant wordage. If you are looking for advanced material then most probably you will not find it in this book. But then again every true master returns to the basics every now and then, because with new knowledge and experience, you get a different perspective (than you had the first time), and with it new ideas. I recommend this book to people just learning about human behavior, psychology, neuroscience, and web design, as also to the “masters of the trade” to “resharpen their knives“. This is definitely one of those books that I am happy to have read and to say I can build on the lessons learned from it.

If you pick up this book please let me know what you think of it in the comment section.

My notes from the book:

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